Koonce House

2421 Peabody Ave.
Dallas, TX 75215

Tour Hours: 10am - 3pm


We wanted a solar system because it is good for society.

And it gives this community opportunity to be educated and be part of the solution. Which in turn makes it a win-win deal.


Renewable energy features

Solar PV

kW: 2.360 kW
Installation Date : September, 2017
Installer: Good Faith Energy with Good Faith Impact graduates


8 Mission Solar MSE295SQ5T modules, 8 Enphase IQ6 micro-inververters, mounted on an IronRidge racking system on a 5:12 slope composite roof, interconnected through sub-panel to main load center.

Energy Monitoring

Enphase IQ envoy solar pv monitoring and communications system


Green features

  • PV system


Host Comments

We wanted a solar system because it is good for society.  And it gives this community opportunity to be educated and be part of the solution.  Which in turn makes it a win-win deal.